Profile PictureThe Wellness Warrior 🕊✨
$10 a month

Private Telegram Group Access

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Private Telegram Group Access

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You struggle with the SAME problems, and just can't seem to figure them out.

I know that feeling. I've been there many times. We ALL have.


I've created a solution for you.

Some of the TOP MINDS on Twitter all in one group-chat.

Imagine business-men and women with mindset secrets telling you exactly how YOU can tackle ANY problem that life throws your way.

Are you struggling with things like:






I offer you my guarantee we get your issues worked out.

What this isn't...

This is NOT a sleazy infomercial about selling you a product you do not need.

This is NOT a 'quick-fix' solution that leaves you with empty promises.

What this is...

This is a community designed to help you solve your most painful problems.

This is a solution that can be easily sustained for you and the quality of your life.

This is an environment where we guide you through the process of change.

Overall, this group is about sharing new ideas with you that have the potential to change your life. The group gives you the raw material and accountability that will allow you to take action on that information.

Is this for you?

Do you want to grow through personal development?

Are you struggling to find a way to make progress?

Have you become sick and tired of anxiety, procrastination, and failure?

Do you want to commit to becoming the strongest version of yourself in ALL areas?

To sum things up, if you are looking to get more out of your life and want to live the life that you always dream about, this group will give you the secrets to do so.

This is NOT for you if...

-You would rather create excuses while doing nothing to change.

-You prioritize comfort over growth.

-You blame other people and things for why you are getting trashy results.

-You are not committed to the difficult but worthy process that is self-improvement.

To sum it up, are you looking for the same old crap with the same old environment, DO NOT make this investment.

How do I know that this will work?

I personally guarantee results in your life that you will notice after HOURS of being in the group... Seriously. We work fast around here.

If you try it out and don't like it, don't worry. You can cancel your membership at any time.

I will not keep you locked into an annual contract or anything like that. That is not my goal here.

I like my personal freedom the same as you do. So, tried it out and don't want to continue?

Delete your subscription at any time.

No strings attached.

What are you wasting by just sitting there?

Think about this for a moment.

How much time do you waste by not investing in yourself?

How much energy do you waste by not investing in yourself?

How much money do you waste by not investing in yourself?

These are your most important resources.

They are slipping right through your fingers as you sit and wait for something to happen.

You're WASTING them away.

That is what you truly cannot afford to pay.

So, what's twenty bucks a month compared to that unbearable feeling of regret that you did not give your life everything you had?

Save yourself:


Benefits You Can Expect After Joining

+ Comprehensive, one on one advice from me personally on your most painful obstacles and a step by step plan on exactly what you need to solve them.

+ A community environment of like-minded people that are in the exact same circumstances that you are so that you can be held accountable.

+ An understanding of why you do the things you do and how to change your behavior in a sustainable manner.

Here's Exactly What You Get

1. Monthly Challenges: You'll get one challenge, every single month. This will revolve around a certain topic of my choice that will directly benefit the quality of your life.

2. Group Accountability: You'll get the help of other people who are like-minded within the group, they will provide support and structure.

3. Future Access & Discounts: You'll get exclusive access to new projects that I have coming in-store as well as be offered discounts that won't be found anywhere else.


Click "SUBSCRIBE" to Become A Fellow Warrior, We're Looking Forward To Seeing You Within The Group.

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For a LIMITED time, with your subscription you also recieve a copy of my eBook, $0-$1000 The First Steps.

The First Steps eBook
Retail: $27
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